

“RICE FERMENTED DRINK” special recipes

Mix the “rice fermented drink” with
water at the ratio of 2 to1.
You can try using it in your smoothies
with seasonal fruit and vegetables.

Choose any fruit and vegetables you like.
There are nutrients and enzymes between the fruit peel and the pulp, so be sure to eat apples and
grapes with the skin still on to reap the health benefits.
Please remove stems and seeds. After washing away the wax on the fruit, cut the fruit to make it easier to blend.

  • 小松菜 + りんご
  • りんご + キウイ
  • トマト + グレープフルーツ + プレーンヨーグルト
  • にんじん + パイナップル
  • 豆乳 ブレンド
  • プレーンヨーグルト ブレンド
お米のヒミツ お米のヒミツ☆トップへ

毎日1本からファミリータイプのボトルまで選べる「お米のヒミツ☆」 180ml・300ml・500ml・900ml

We ship our rice fermented drink to customers all over the world.
Ordering unit: 1 case/order, or higher quantities.
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

180ml・300ml 1 case contains 20 bottles
500ml・900ml 1 case contains 12 bottles

